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- /* xldmem - xlisp dynamic memory management routines */
- /* Copyright (c) 1985, by David Michael Betz
- All Rights Reserved
- Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
- #include "xlisp.h"
- /* useful definitions */
- #define ALLOCSIZE (sizeof(struct segment) + (anodes-1) * sizeof(NODE))
- /* external variables */
- extern NODE ***xlstack,***xlstkbase,***xlstktop;
- extern NODE *obarray;
- extern NODE *xlenv;
- extern long total;
- extern int anodes,nnodes,nsegs,nfree,gccalls;
- extern struct segment *segs;
- extern NODE *fnodes;
- extern char buf[];
- /* external procedures */
- extern char *malloc();
- extern char *calloc();
- /* forward declarations */
- FORWARD NODE *newnode();
- FORWARD char *strsave();
- FORWARD char *stralloc();
- /* cons - construct a new cons node */
- NODE *cons(x,y)
- NODE *x,*y;
- {
- NODE *val;
- val = newnode(LIST);
- rplaca(val,x);
- rplacd(val,y);
- return (val);
- }
- /* consa - (cons x nil) */
- NODE *consa(x)
- NODE *x;
- {
- NODE *val;
- val = newnode(LIST);
- rplaca(val,x);
- return (val);
- }
- /* consd - (cons nil x) */
- NODE *consd(x)
- NODE *x;
- {
- NODE *val;
- val = newnode(LIST);
- rplacd(val,x);
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvstring - convert a string to a string node */
- NODE *cvstring(str)
- char *str;
- {
- NODE ***oldstk,*val;
- oldstk = xlsave(&val,NULL);
- val = newnode(STR);
- val->n_str = strsave(str);
- val->n_strtype = DYNAMIC;
- xlstack = oldstk;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvcstring - convert a constant string to a string node */
- NODE *cvcstring(str)
- char *str;
- {
- NODE *val;
- val = newnode(STR);
- val->n_str = str;
- val->n_strtype = STATIC;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvsymbol - convert a string to a symbol */
- NODE *cvsymbol(pname)
- char *pname;
- {
- NODE ***oldstk,*val;
- oldstk = xlsave(&val,NULL);
- val = newnode(SYM);
- val->n_symplist = newnode(LIST);
- rplaca(val->n_symplist,cvstring(pname));
- xlstack = oldstk;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvcsymbol - convert a constant string to a symbol */
- NODE *cvcsymbol(pname)
- char *pname;
- {
- NODE ***oldstk,*val;
- oldstk = xlsave(&val,NULL);
- val = newnode(SYM);
- val->n_symplist = newnode(LIST);
- rplaca(val->n_symplist,cvcstring(pname));
- xlstack = oldstk;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvsubr - convert a function to a subr or fsubr */
- NODE *cvsubr(fcn,type)
- NODE *(*fcn)(); int type;
- {
- NODE *val;
- val = newnode(type);
- val->n_subr = fcn;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvfile - convert a file pointer to a file */
- NODE *cvfile(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- NODE *val;
- val = newnode(FPTR);
- setfile(val,fp);
- setsavech(val,0);
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvfixnum - convert an integer to a fixnum node */
- NODE *cvfixnum(n)
- {
- NODE *val;
- val = newnode(INT);
- val->n_int = n;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvflonum - convert a floating point number to a flonum node */
- NODE *cvflonum(n)
- {
- NODE *val;
- val = newnode(FLOAT);
- val->n_float = n;
- return (val);
- }
- /* newstring - allocate and initialize a new string */
- NODE *newstring(size)
- int size;
- {
- NODE ***oldstk,*val;
- oldstk = xlsave(&val,NULL);
- val = newnode(STR);
- val->n_str = stralloc(size);
- *getstring(val) = 0;
- val->n_strtype = DYNAMIC;
- xlstack = oldstk;
- return (val);
- }
- /* newobject - allocate and initialize a new object */
- NODE *newobject(cls,size)
- NODE *cls; int size;
- {
- NODE *val;
- val = newvector(size+1);
- setelement(val,0,cls);
- val->n_type = OBJ;
- return (val);
- }
- /* newvector - allocate and initialize a new vector node */
- NODE *newvector(size)
- int size;
- {
- NODE ***oldstk,*vect;
- int bsize;
- /* establish a new stack frame */
- oldstk = xlsave(&vect,NULL);
- /* allocate a vector node and set the size to zero (in case of gc) */
- vect = newnode(VECT);
- vect->n_vsize = 0;
- /* allocate memory for the vector */
- bsize = size * sizeof(NODE *);
- if ((vect->n_vdata = (NODE **) calloc(1,bsize)) == NULL) {
- findmem();
- if ((vect->n_vdata = (NODE **) calloc(1,bsize)) == NULL)
- xlfail("insufficient vector space");
- }
- vect->n_vsize = size;
- total += (long) bsize;
- /* restore the previous stack frame */
- xlstack = oldstk;
- /* return the new vector */
- return (vect);
- }
- /* newnode - allocate a new node */
- LOCAL NODE *newnode(type)
- int type;
- {
- NODE *nnode;
- /* get a free node */
- if ((nnode = fnodes) == NIL) {
- findmem();
- if ((nnode = fnodes) == NIL)
- xlabort("insufficient node space");
- }
- /* unlink the node from the free list */
- fnodes = cdr(nnode);
- nfree -= 1;
- /* initialize the new node */
- nnode->n_type = type;
- rplacd(nnode,NIL);
- /* return the new node */
- return (nnode);
- }
- /* stralloc - allocate memory for a string adding a byte for the terminator */
- LOCAL char *stralloc(size)
- int size;
- {
- char *sptr;
- /* allocate memory for the string copy */
- if ((sptr = malloc(size+1)) == NULL) {
- findmem();
- if ((sptr = malloc(size+1)) == NULL)
- xlfail("insufficient string space");
- }
- total += (long) (size+1);
- /* return the new string memory */
- return (sptr);
- }
- /* strsave - generate a dynamic copy of a string */
- LOCAL char *strsave(str)
- char *str;
- {
- char *sptr;
- /* create a new string */
- sptr = stralloc(strlen(str));
- strcpy(sptr,str);
- /* return the new string */
- return (sptr);
- }
- /* strfree - free a string */
- LOCAL strfree(str)
- char *str;
- {
- total -= (long) (strlen(str)+1);
- free(str);
- }
- /* findmem - find more memory by collecting then expanding */
- findmem()
- {
- gc();
- if (nfree < anodes)
- addseg();
- }
- /* gc - garbage collect */
- gc()
- {
- NODE ***p;
- /* mark the obarray and the current environment */
- mark(obarray);
- mark(xlenv);
- /* mark the evaluation stack */
- for (p = xlstack; p < xlstktop; )
- mark(**p++);
- /* sweep memory collecting all unmarked nodes */
- sweep();
- /* count the gc call */
- gccalls++;
- }
- /* mark - mark all accessible nodes */
- mark(ptr)
- NODE *ptr;
- {
- NODE *this,*prev,*tmp;
- /* just return on nil */
- if (ptr == NIL)
- return;
- /* initialize */
- prev = NIL;
- this = ptr;
- /* mark this list */
- while (TRUE) {
- /* descend as far as we can */
- while (TRUE) {
- /* check for this node being marked */
- if (this->n_flags & MARK)
- break;
- /* mark it and its descendants */
- else {
- /* mark the node */
- this->n_flags |= MARK;
- /* follow the left sublist if there is one */
- if (livecar(this)) {
- this->n_flags |= LEFT;
- tmp = prev;
- prev = this;
- this = car(prev);
- rplaca(prev,tmp);
- }
- /* otherwise, follow the right sublist if there is one */
- else if (livecdr(this)) {
- this->n_flags &= ~LEFT;
- tmp = prev;
- prev = this;
- this = cdr(prev);
- rplacd(prev,tmp);
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- /* backup to a point where we can continue descending */
- while (TRUE) {
- /* check for termination condition */
- if (prev == NIL)
- return;
- /* check for coming from the left side */
- if (prev->n_flags & LEFT)
- if (livecdr(prev)) {
- prev->n_flags &= ~LEFT;
- tmp = car(prev);
- rplaca(prev,this);
- this = cdr(prev);
- rplacd(prev,tmp);
- break;
- }
- else {
- tmp = prev;
- prev = car(tmp);
- rplaca(tmp,this);
- this = tmp;
- }
- /* otherwise, came from the right side */
- else {
- tmp = prev;
- prev = cdr(tmp);
- rplacd(tmp,this);
- this = tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* vmark - mark a vector */
- vmark(n)
- NODE *n;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < getsize(n); ++i)
- mark(getelement(n,i));
- }
- /* sweep - sweep all unmarked nodes and add them to the free list */
- LOCAL sweep()
- {
- struct segment *seg;
- NODE *p;
- int n;
- /* empty the free list */
- fnodes = NIL;
- nfree = 0;
- /* add all unmarked nodes */
- for (seg = segs; seg != NULL; seg = seg->sg_next) {
- p = &seg->sg_nodes[0];
- for (n = seg->sg_size; n--; p++)
- if (!(p->n_flags & MARK)) {
- switch (ntype(p)) {
- case STR:
- if (p->n_strtype == DYNAMIC && p->n_str != NULL) {
- total -= (long) (strlen(p->n_str)+1);
- free(p->n_str);
- }
- break;
- case FPTR:
- if (p->n_fp)
- fclose(p->n_fp);
- break;
- case VECT:
- if (p->n_vsize) {
- total -= (long) (p->n_vsize * sizeof(NODE **));
- free(p->n_vdata);
- }
- break;
- }
- p->n_type = FREE;
- p->n_flags = 0;
- rplaca(p,NIL);
- rplacd(p,fnodes);
- fnodes = p;
- nfree++;
- }
- else
- p->n_flags &= ~(MARK | LEFT);
- }
- }
- /* addseg - add a segment to the available memory */
- int addseg()
- {
- struct segment *newseg;
- NODE *p;
- int n;
- /* check for zero allocation */
- if (anodes == 0)
- return (FALSE);
- /* allocate a new segment */
- if ((newseg = (struct segment *) calloc(1,ALLOCSIZE)) != NULL) {
- /* initialize the new segment */
- newseg->sg_size = anodes;
- newseg->sg_next = segs;
- segs = newseg;
- /* add each new node to the free list */
- p = &newseg->sg_nodes[0];
- for (n = anodes; n--; ) {
- rplacd(p,fnodes);
- fnodes = p++;
- }
- /* update the statistics */
- total += (long) ALLOCSIZE;
- nnodes += anodes;
- nfree += anodes;
- nsegs++;
- /* return successfully */
- return (TRUE);
- }
- else
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /* livecar - do we need to follow the car? */
- LOCAL int livecar(n)
- NODE *n;
- {
- switch (ntype(n)) {
- case OBJ:
- case VECT:
- vmark(n);
- case SUBR:
- case FSUBR:
- case INT:
- case FLOAT:
- case STR:
- case FPTR:
- return (FALSE);
- case SYM:
- case LIST:
- return (car(n) != NIL);
- default:
- printf("bad node type (%d) found during left scan\n",ntype(n));
- exit();
- }
- }
- /* livecdr - do we need to follow the cdr? */
- LOCAL int livecdr(n)
- NODE *n;
- {
- switch (ntype(n)) {
- case SUBR:
- case FSUBR:
- case INT:
- case FLOAT:
- case STR:
- case FPTR:
- case OBJ:
- case VECT:
- return (FALSE);
- case SYM:
- case LIST:
- return (cdr(n) != NIL);
- default:
- printf("bad node type (%d) found during right scan\n",ntype(n));
- exit();
- }
- }
- /* stats - print memory statistics */
- stats()
- {
- sprintf(buf,"Nodes: %d\n",nnodes); stdputstr(buf);
- sprintf(buf,"Free nodes: %d\n",nfree); stdputstr(buf);
- sprintf(buf,"Segments: %d\n",nsegs); stdputstr(buf);
- sprintf(buf,"Allocate: %d\n",anodes); stdputstr(buf);
- sprintf(buf,"Total: %ld\n",total); stdputstr(buf);
- sprintf(buf,"Collections: %d\n",gccalls); stdputstr(buf);
- }
- /* xlminit - initialize the dynamic memory module */
- xlminit()
- {
- /* initialize our internal variables */
- anodes = NNODES;
- total = 0L;
- nnodes = nsegs = nfree = gccalls = 0;
- fnodes = NIL;
- segs = NULL;
- /* initialize structures that are marked by the collector */
- xlenv = obarray = NIL;
- /* allocate the evaluation stack */
- if ((xlstkbase = (NODE ***)malloc(EDEPTH * sizeof(NODE **))) == NULL) {
- printf("insufficient memory");
- exit();
- }
- total += (long)(EDEPTH * sizeof(NODE **));
- xlstack = xlstktop = xlstkbase + EDEPTH;
- }